Thousands of car accidents occur every year in Idaho, from minor dings to severe wrecks causing massive damage and injuries. Anything you can do to lessen your chances of ending up in a car accident is worth looking into.
At first thought, the color of your vehicle might not seem like a major factor in MVAs (motor vehicle accidents). But in reality, certain colors are safer or more dangerous.
Safer colors, and why they are safer
As a general rule, the more visible a car is, the less likely it is to be involved in a car accident. As such, lighter colors tend to be safer colors for a vehicle. White, yellow, gold and beige all fit the bill.
Another factor is how much your vehicle blends in with the road and background. The more your car is distinct and stands out, the more likely other drivers or pedestrians will see it. Once again, white, yellow and gold are good choices, as is orange. All these colors tend to be little represented on the road and background scenery.
More dangerous colors, and why they carry greater risk
The converse of the above points is also true. The less visible a vehicle’s color makes it, and the more it blends into the background or road, the worse its safety record.
Black is likely the worst color, as it tends to blend into the road and is difficult to see in low light or inclement weather conditions. Other hazardous colors include most dark shades, but particularly dark blue, dark green, and gray.
Red is a strange outlier. It’s fairly visible, but studies have shown that other drivers tend to drive more aggressively in the presence of a red car. As a result, red is a more dangerous than average car color.
Car color might seem trivial, but it does make a difference. Colors like white, yellow and gold are safest, while black, dark blues and greens and reds are most dangerous.