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Current Issues and Trends in Idaho Personal Injury Law

On Behalf of | May 21, 2019 | Firm News

Created: 21 May 2019

As Idaho personal injury lawyers, we follow current issues in personal injury law.  As Idaho personal injury attorneys, we track trends in personal injury law.  As an Idaho personal injury law firm, we work to keep abreast of the latest developments in personal injury law.  One of the most significant trends we see in Idaho personal injury law are increased verdicts on meritorious personal injury cases resolved through jury trial here in Idaho.  There are several possible reasons for this, including an increase in Idaho’s population, a diversification of Idaho’s population, a higher education level of Idaho’s population, and informational awareness on the part of Idahoans due to traditional media coverage as well as social media.   Another development we see is a greater availability of top level expert witnesses who can assist us in understanding and presenting personal injury cases.  A third development we notice is that some personal injury lawsuits are taking longer to resolve because of crowded court dockets, as Idaho’s population grows so too does the strain placed on the federal, state, and local legal systems which are in need of increased resources to expand and keep up with growth.  The cost of healthcare is another interesting trend we see, in keeping with reported trends on the national level as to this issue.  Healthcare bills are greater and more expensive, from ambulance transport, to hospital stays, to imaging, and to specialist costs.  A night in the hospital, with associated care, from a car accident can result in bills of $25,000 or more.  This can make it more challenging to resolve meritorious personal injury claims.  Unfortunately, one thing we do not see materially changing are Idaho’s liability insurance limits for motor vehicles, which are lagging decades behind the increased costs associated with being in a motor vehicle crash. Likewise, although increased for inflation, Idaho’s statutory general damages caps for pain, suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life associated with personal injury claims remain too low for reasonable and just expectations in today’s society.  Check back with us here at Mahoney Law PLLC for ongoing updates on personal injury law in Idaho.
