Created: 22 May 2019
If you are searching for information on personal injury law in Boise, here are several bullet points and pieces of quick information from our personal injury lawyer. First, be aware that there are time deadlines, referred to by personal injury attorneys as “statutes of limitations.” These time deadlines apply to personal injury cases in Boise. These can be short and time-bar potential claims, so do not delay in consulting with a good personal injury law firm. Second, our Boise personal injury attorney will tell you that one of the most important things to take care of is your health and recovery. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions. Third, as Boise a personal injury lawyer, we would advise against giving a statement to the at-fault party’s insurance company unless and until you have consulted with a personal injury attorney. The liable party’s insurance company is not your friend and its obligations are to its own insured not to you. Fourth, another piece of basic advice for a personal injury case in Boise is to keep good records in a file so that you can bring the paperwork for your meeting with a Boise personal injury firm. Fifth, a top Boise injury lawyer will tell you that you need to be patient and that if you are interested in a quick, cheap settlement, to look elsewhere. It takes time and work to properly maximize recovery for a client on a good faith, meritorious personal injury claim. Finally, we encourage everyone to put safety first and to treat others as you would like to be treated – that will go a long way to minimizing the types of things that require people to consult us. You can call us for more information or to schedule a meeting to discuss your Boise personal injury lawyer matter.