Created: 04 August 2009
Minnesota’s Pioneer Press (8/3, Snowbeck) reported, “Two Minnesota families are offering arguments in Washington, D.C., today” in favor of the proposed Medical Device Safety Act. “Mark and Janice Baird, of Oakdale, are scheduled to talk at a news conference about their 16-year-old son, Mark, a pacemaker-dependent patient who died in September 2006. Mark’s heart device was made by Fridley-based Medtronic, and his parents believe his death was related to a problem with the device, according to a copy of their letter to the committee provided by the American Association for Justice, a trade group for trial lawyers. The trade group also announced Monday that Michele Meyer, of Cambridge, will submit a letter about her daughter Katie, who died at age 30 after her Medtronic implantable cardiac defibrillator experienced problems.”