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What cognitive issues are common with cerebral palsy?

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2022 | Cerebral Palsy

Some babies suffer birth injuries that result in cerebral palsy. Idaho parents should closely monitor their children for certain cognitive issues common with the condition.

Cerebral palsy and cognitive impairment

There are different factors that can lead to cerebral palsy in a child, but birth injuries are among the most common. When a baby suffers brain damage due to lack of oxygen, it could result in cognitive impairment throughout the child’s life.

Not everyone who has cerebral palsy suffers from cognitive issues. However, around half of all people with cerebral palsy are affected by some amount of cognitive impairment while about 20% have moderate to severe cognitive impairment.

Factors that increase the risk of cognitive issues with cerebral palsy

If your child has a more severe form of cerebral palsy, they are more likely to have cognitive issues along with it. This means that a child’s intellectual function can be compromised. Children who have epilepsy, are unable to walk, begin walking later or have hypotonic, dyskinetic or quadriplegic cerebral palsy are likely to have cognitive impairment.

Types of cognitive impairment with cerebral palsy

Children with cerebral palsy who have cognitive impairment may exhibit behavior problems. They may lash out with anger and have bouts of anxiety as they struggle behind their peers.

Communication problems are common in children with cerebral palsy when cognitive impairment is an issue. They may have difficulty expressing their feelings and may not communicate the way another child does. Language skills can be delayed as well.

Short attention spans can also affect kids impacted by cognitive issues with cerebral palsy. Some children also suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sensory issues are also common.

Doctors and different types of therapists could help your child if they have cognitive impairment associated with cerebral palsy.
